People are matured enough to decide on what is ritht and what is wrong, it is not just kalaki, there are hell lot of bhagwans’s like this, you better know what is good and bad, don’t go just with media,
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KALI BHAGAVAN OR AMMA -Telugu news channel TV9 detection of fraud Kali Bhagavan is also know as Vijay Kumar Naidu alias Sri Bhagavan and Enveloped Bhagawan. Vijay Kumar was born in Arcot district, They reside at Golden City, near Chennai, in India.Tamil Nadu, at different times and also used names such as Mukteshwar, Sri Kalki Bhagavan, Sri Bhagavan.
Bhagavan and Amma Bhagwan claim to be two divine Avatars who will bring humanity into the golden age, They claim that they will fully enlighten 64,000 people in the world. These people are in a severe case of the communion of enlightened would prevent the rest of humanity by the year 2012.
Bhagavan and Amma Bahagwan are charging exorbitant sums of money. For example Darshan of Amma’s padam the devotees are shelling out 5000-6000 Rupees and for Special Darshan 20-25,000 Rupees while the 60,000 Rupees is charged for the Homam. Kalki Bhagavan andAmma Bhagwan have amssed a wealth of 240 Crores while their trust is running many businesses including Real Estate.
The biggest questions if the TV9 is doing this just to gain TRPs or there is truth behind the allegations? What the authorities are doing?