Message-1 :
Those who have submitted mahadeeksha form and are waiting for mahadeeksha are hereby called upon to contact their concerned dasajis for their mahadeeksha.
Message-2 :
Anugraha Deeksha is being conducted at Oneness Temple hereafter and the participants will have either Amma or Bhagavan dharshan as an integral part of Anugraha Deeksha along with the golden ball.
This message is from Achyutha dasaji.Dasaji said that who ever is suffering due to severe financial problems , unemployment etc are advised to visit Nemam and stay there for 3 nights and during the day time, they may either attend special classes(for which you will be charged minimum amount) or sit and pray for the problems at Sri Vaidhishwara Amma Bhagavan Kovil.
Please circulate this message to all the sevaks and devotess.
Forever at the Lotus feet of Sri Amma Bhagavan,
Thanks to Manikanta Rao