Amma Bhagvan Sharnam Namaskar, Here is update from oneness university.
Let us gather at Oneness Temple on 26th of July from 8 am to 5 pm for acquiring special blessings and teachings from the Lord in order to emerge as a Champion.
- Champions perceive solutions in critical situations constructively and innovatively.
- Champions manifest their inner strength whenever things go wrong.
- Champions don't manifest their destructive thoughts as they could seal them with forgiveness and gratitude.
- Champions remain concentrated on the solutions but not on problems.
- Champion is like an athlete who jumps over the hurdles of pain and ego placed on the path of success.
- Jealousy stops inner growth and so a Champion cuts off the jealousy
- Inner Strength and Awareness are the two eyes of a champion.
- Intent + Effort + Grace = Success
- Individual will + Divine will = Oneness
You need to emerge as a champion inorder to be a successful person.Success is sweet but its secret is sweat.So, plan properly for your future and apply your efforts accordingly.Our planning and efforts are nothing in the absence of divine grace because sucess involves taking right turns at right times for which you need to be the right person doing the right thing at the right place in the right time.
So..lets hurry up to receive the special message and blessings from the Lord.
Contact for more details;
hyderabad 9885183797
secunderabad 9885672740
madinaguda 9177610615
dilsukhnagar 9989494179
|| Amma Bhagawan Anugrahit Tosmi ||
I hope that you all know that Oneness university course fees is reduced. like breakthrough is now @3200, with coaching in A/C hall.
Contact for more details;
hyderabad 9885183797
secunderabad 9885672740
madinaguda 9177610615
dilsukhnagar 9989494179
|| Amma Bhagawan Anugrahit Tosmi ||
I hope that you all know that Oneness university course fees is reduced. like breakthrough is now @3200, with coaching in A/C hall.