Monday, October 19, 2009

Youth Mahadeeksha Level 1 ONENESS NEWS

Hindi Youth Mahadeeksha Level 1 will be held from Oct 26th to 31st, 2009 in OC2. For more details contact 09000991060 & for registration contact 09000991042

Telugu Youth Mahadeeksha Level 1 will be held from Nov.11th to 15th, 2009 in OC2. For more details contact 09000990892 & for registrations contact 09000991042

Good luck to all

Thanks to Shri Amma and Bhagwan
"Why dont you forgive or else you accumulate hurts" - Shri Bhagavathi Padmavathi Amma
"When you learn the art of forgiving others unconditionally you will be able to forgive and only then I can liberate you from the cycle of births and rebirths" - Sri Bhagavan
Forgiveness is about releasing ourselves from the pain,cursing attitude,judging,blaming, hurts,hatred,grudge,revenge,criticising,anger, shame, etc.

Be a Reason For Someone's SMILE ... Its priceless

" Forgiveness is never in the situation but in the perception" - ONENESS

"Whatever you resist will persist, therefore accept.Acceptance is the bedrock for all spiritual growth and since then happiness will be the index of your growth" - ONENESS

Donate online

Contemplative Questions

Here is a set of questions that would provoke you and put you through some soul searching. They are not about religion nor about ethics. They are merely about you.

They are not meant to serve as solutions nor are they meant to lead you anywhere. These questions are meant to serve as tools to discovering yourself.

1) Do you perceive the Presence of a benevolent force guiding, protecting and shaping your life? What name do you give that Presence? When did you best feel this Presence?

2) What is your opinion of God? Is your opinion drawn from religion, books, parents and or your personal experience of life?

3) Do you pray? Do they get answered? How often?

4) Do you think it is possible to relate to the Divine? What relationship would you opt?

5) Here is a story for you - Two fierce enemies once did a penance to placate god and receive boons vying with each other. God appeared to the first man and asked what he wanted. He said "give me twice of whatever you give my enemy". Then God appeared to the second one. Even before God could say anything he asked, "God, would you please tell me what my enemy asked for? On knowing his prayer request, he said, "then God, blind me in one eye."
Now what would you wish for yourself, your best friend and your worst enemy if God gave you a chance?

6) Have you ever experienced a coincidence or chance that seems to have involved so many people and factors that you can't stop wondering if a mastermind was behind this operation? If yes, do you savour the experience often and have you shared it with someone close to you?