Now Oneness Guides are eager to know such real life stories from each and every one of us.They are documenting such transformation stories from devotees, course participants, sevaks etc..
Please report your real life transformation stories in the aspect of personality (not miracles). Please report such stories as soon as you read this as we will post those stories as soon as possible.
Please report your transformation stories with the following elements:
- What kind of transformation your personality had undergone after coming to Oneness?
- How did you undergo this? (which sadhana/teaching helped you?)
- Before coming to Oneness how was your personality?
Q:Some people when trying to experience the pain, it seems that they are only analyzing it, not experiencing it. How to sit with the problem without analysis being triggered? What should we do to get out of the mind and go deeper inside the heart?
Bhagavan: Yes.. see, the problem with humanity, and especially modern civilization, is we have stopped experiencing things. We hardly experience anything, leave alone suffering. Nothing is being experienced. When you drink a glass of water, you're not experiencing it. The mind is still working. You think about what happened yesterday, what's going to happen tomorrow, you're worrying about something or enjoying something, but not experiencing that drinking of the glass of water. While you eat, you do not experience what you're eating. When you brush your teeth, you do not experience what is going on.
Watch out video's from youtube.
Sri Bhagavan in Rio - Brazil (Conference of 12/05/09) - Part 1
Sri Bhagavan in Rio - Brazil (Conference of 12/05/09) - Part 2